The Princess Switch (2018)

The Prince and The Pauper, with a twist.  

I thought it was just going to be the same old story, but I like what happened in this story more than how I loved the original story by Mark Twain.  Hey, I love the original story, because nothing beats it, but the reimagining of the beloved tale gave a lighter feeling, and if I must reiterate, a great twist to it.  

I don't everyone would appreciate this, but a lot would.

It's really predictable, but this is one of those movies where predictability is very, very welcomed by me.  

Of course, since it's a modern retelling of the famous classical story, it should be adapted to the times, and they didn't fail with that.

There were many outrageous scenes, but it was fun to watch.

I had a good time watching this.

I hope you would too.

It's directed by Mike Rohl and was written by Robin Bernheim (as Robin Bernheim Burger) and Megan Metzger.

Thank you so much for your time.



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