Bumblebee (2018)

note:  This is not really a review...it's more of my personal feelings and observations about this movie
Written by Christina Hodson
Directed by Travis Knight

Wow.  I think this is my favourite Transformers movie.  I was actually thinking of how I would be able to give justice to this movie, but I also did not want to overthink it.

After my fight with my thrombosis in the legs and thighs this was the second movie I watched inside a theatre, but the only one I want to talk about.  The first one was good, but it didn't really touch my heart that much.  To each his own.

I really like this prequel.  The timeline of this movie is three years after I became aware of Hasbro's Transformers. 

A lot of people love/loved it, but of course, there were those who didn't because they thought it was too cheesy/sappy.

Some were saying they did not like it because it lacked originality, but didn't they realise that the script was actually paying homage to John Hughes, Judd Nelson, and Steven Spielberg, among others.  So if ever there were familiar scenes there, they were done on purpose.

HAILEE STEINFELD and DYLAN O'BRIEN(Bumblebee) worked well together.  Hailee is truly a natural.

Honestly, I was just going to wait for the small screen version of this movie, but when my first friend in the village suggested I watched this, I wanted to watch this right there and then, but...

What did I gather with this prequel or precursor to a reboot or a reboot already in itself?  

Just like the Terminator series, the future is not set in stone, and probably the past too. :-p

The Autobots and The Decepticons were not really a part of history or prehistoric times, but the truth  is, the Cybertron Denizens only entered Earth in 1987.  Something will happen in the prequel's sequel that when the Decepticons arrive they will manipulate the time and space continuum then infiltrate our past...including the dark of the moon, and the Knights of the round table.

Oh well.  There I go again giving an idea to the universe, multiverse, or what have you.  :-p

Agent Simmons is in this prequel, that's why I'm thinking the Autobots and the Decepticons still altered the past...


Maybe it's just a silly idea, but then again, maybe it isn't.



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