Ghost World (2001)

Seymour and Enid

Thora Birch is someone I've seen grown up, at least via the boob tube/idiot box and the silver screen.  She is one of the greatest and most versatile actors and I admire her a lot.  It's a pity I don't get to see her much anymore because of certain controversies.  No, she did not become a wayward daughter or anything of that sort, but...Anyways, she is still around.  I hope she would get more projects.  May the people involved realize that they need the likes of her and overlook the controversies.  

Anyways, when I learned she was paired with Steve Buscemi in this movie, my wildest imagination could not fathom how they could have onscreen chemistry, at the very least.  Steve Buscemi is a very respectable actor, but I couldn't picture him being paired with Thora Birch.

When I started watching this film, I brushed the fact that she was Thora and he was Steve.  I immersed myself in the story and became a bystander in Enid and Seymour's lives.

Even if the ending was not the one I expected(I only saw the film, I didn't see anything else this was based on, like the underground comic book), I like the story.

I got to know the characters and understood why the turn of events became that way.

Scarlett Johansson as Rebecca "Becky" Doppelmeyer

Scarlett Johansson is good at playing any kind of role.  She did not disappoint. Need I say more? ;-)

From imdb:
This is the story of Enid and Rebecca after they finish the high school. Both have problems to be related with people and they spend their time hanging around and bothering creeps. When they met Seymour who is a social outsider who loves to collect old vinyl records, the life of Enid will change forever. Written by eric from Mexico City

What happened to Thora Birch?
Thora Birch: how America's darling disappeared
What the hell happened to Thora Birch?

From Brad Renfro's Youtube Channel
Brad Renfro as Josh 

DIRECTED BY Terry Zwigoff
WRITTEN BY Daniel Clowes and Terry Zwigoff
Based on Ghost World by Daniel Clowes

The story of neo-cool Enid (Thora Birch) and Rebecca (Scarlett Johansson) who, faced with graduation from high school, take a hard look at the world they wryly observe and decide what they really want. When Enid takes an interest in the offbeat Seymour (Steve Buscemi) and Rebecca focuses her attention on their mutual romantic fixation Josh (Brad Renfro), the girls' friendship is forever changed.-WWW

Enid and Seymour
