IFlix Originals' MYSTIFIED (2019) Episode 1
From Startattle #SanggresUniteAgain #MystifiedOnIflix #SunshineDizon #IzaCalzado #DianaZubiri #Karylle #MarkAReyesV #WorldClass #MatthiasRhoads #JinriPark #CheskaInigo #MostafaElezali #MustafaElezali #IanIgnacio #VinceVandorpe #CapriceCayetano Without giving the whole story away I want to start this blog about MYSTIFIED by saying I'm excited to see the sequel. Yes, you read it right. Although the first episode can stand alone, I am sure there is at least one sequel. Mystified left me stupefied and amazed. OK, maybe, and I only mean maybe, it's not perfect, but it's definitely a cut above the rest. I don't know about the others, but the version I've seen didn't have subtitles(promise, I watched it for free via iFlix). For one reason or another I kind of liked it that way. Even if I could only guess some of the words...and I'm not talking about Latin or Spanish, but the language of sorc...