Lone Survivor (R13)

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“I will never quit. My nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down i will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my enemies and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight.” 
― Marcus LuttrellLone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10

Not everyone in Afghanistan is an enemy.

This is what I was reminded of while watching this film.  I watched this film without reading the book, seeing the trailer or reading reviews.  As a matter of fact, we were not even planning to watch this movie that Monday afternoon.  We were just supposed to go shopping for small tokens for our relatives that we were going to meet the following evening. After a hearty lunch at My Little Buttercup, I went upstairs to see if there was something worthwhile to watch.

Since dad had a meeting later that afternoon, I chose LONE SURVIVOR because of the schedule.

The movie started with real footage of the troops in Afghanistan (Operation Red Wings according to one person who lambasted Marc Luttrell's book and NOT Operation Redwing)
The movie might not be perfect, because of certain goofs keen observers noticed like the rattle snake, et cetera, but it got the people involved in the action.  Peter Berg is, besides being a great actor, a very good screenwriter and director.  He's simply one of the best!
There's one thing I noticed.  Whether it's an accurate account or not, as a linguaphile, I wondered why not a single one of them that was sent on that mountain knew how to speak Pashto or any other Afghan language.  If they did, I don't think they would make the wrong decision about the goatherds or at they would at least be able to communicate with them well.

It's great to learn about the Pashtunwali Code.  It definitely restores faith in humanity.

Another thing I liked about the movie is the contrast of the beautiful sunsets, pine trees and other picturesque sights with what's really happening out there.  

It's sad to learn that Mohammad Gulab and the old Sabray Chieftain who let the US Navy SEALS know about Luttrell's plight were jailed and interrogated for several days.

Flaws and all, I highly recommend this film. All the actors did their jobs well. Kudos to the cast and crew! ;)


  1. The Village Heroes FB Page (Pashtunwali Code)
  2. Understanding Pashtunwali
  3. Pashtunwali
  4. The Realistic Falling Scenes 
  5. He Got The Title Wrong? 
  6. Marcus Luttrell's Stands by His Mistakes
  7. Mohammad Gulab's Facebook Page
  8. Donate-Lone Survivor Foundation
