Please watch QUEZON'S GAME (2018) Now Showing Nationwide
source source Directed by Matthew Rosen Music by Dean Rosen Written by Janice Y. Perez and Dean Rosen Raymond Bagatsing as Manuel Luis Quezon. Rachel Alejandro as Aurora Quezon. Kate Alejandrino as María Aurora "Baby" Quezon. David Bianco as Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower. James Paoleli as Paul V. McNutt. Jennifer Blair-Bianco as Mamie Eisenhower. Audie Gemora as Sergio Osmeña. Billy Ray Gallion as Alex Frieder. Miguel Faustmann as Gen. Douglas McArthur. Tony Ahn as Herbert Frieder 2015 Thanks, Sexy Chef Barni, for the list of cinemas where QUEZON's GAME are shown Let me start in reverse. Before the interviewed Jews spoke, everyone in the theatre applauded. The story was researched well, the movie was well-directed, and it is well-acted. Greatly acted even. It was as if we were there, experiencing everything with them. It was as if CCTvs were invented already and we were watching their every move. Peopl...