Perfect Blue/ Pafekuto Buru1997 (Satoshi Kon) R-18 and YUME NARA SAMETE(2002)
Movies Genre: Animation Disturbing psycho-thriller. (R-18) Whew. I guess it's a good thing that I was warned about this movie. More than a couple of my friends told me its plot is not for the weak of heart so I watched it when I was floating on air(forgot the exact date, but I was "in love" THAT time). This film was written by Sadayuki Murai from the novel by Yoshikazu Takeuchi, directed by Satoshi Kon. Satoshi Kon is becoming one of my favorite directors. I still say he did a good directorial job here, but is the story any good? I felt Mima's pain...her loss of identity...her wanting to be real as real as she could be....she didn't like where destiny brought her to...she didn't need someone stalking her and forcing her to do stuff she didn't wanna do...she needed to find herself and be herself. What about the music? Did I like it? Yes. The music by Masahiro Ikumi made the audience feel every emotion all the characters f...