Five movies I watched these past weeks and how I relate to them- (re-posted from my Multiply Blog)

THE MOVIES: CRANK2: HIGH VOLTAGE (mentioned) THE FIVE MOVIES: ANG TANGING PAMILYA 2012 NEW MOON NINJA ASSASIN A CHRISTMAS CAROL It's thirty minutes before I start to leave for church (I'm serving as a commentator for the 6pm mass) that I'm starting this entry. I don't know if I'll finish it now or maybe after mass. Let's see. The past few weeks have been roller coaster rides with several dips and loops. Thrilling, but nauseating too. Last week was the worst among the few weeks. It was heartbreaking, but let's deal with that later (if you want, you can scroll down straight to it to save yourself some time) . Let me first talk about movies and try to connect them with my life. I've seen five movies in the past three weeks. I've seen three of them twice only because there was nothing else to watch. I've seen every movie with RJ and one of them with Eise tagging along (Praise God!). When people I don't know...